Sunday, December 2, 2018

5 Remedies to fight stress

5 Remedies to fight stress

5 Remedies to fight stress

Pharmacy pills are not the only way to treat stress and insomnia. On the contrary, natural treatments are much better for health and more effective. Many herbs can be useful remedies for stress.

5 Remedies to fight stress
5 Remedies to fight stress


Lavender is often used to treat insomnia and other disorders of the nervous system. You can prepare a cup of lavender tea. To do this, pour 2 teaspoons of dried lavender flowers into a cup of boiling water and let infuse 10 minutes. Filter the tea and sugar with honey. Drink 2 cups a day.

5 Remedies to fight stress


Chamomile has the ability to relax muscles and the body in general. Chamomile tea can help treat insomnia.

5 Remedies to fight stress


The essential oil of thyme has the power to relax the muscles.
You can prepare thyme tea. For this, pour a teaspoon of thyme in 2 dl of boiling water, cover the cup, and let steep for half an hour.

5 Remedies to fight stress


Fennel is an excellent remedy for relieving stress. It treats anxiety, irritability, insomnia and hysteria.
but you should also know that, consumed in large quantities, the fennel can have toxic and hypnotic effects.

5 Remedies to fight stress


Lemongrass is recommended for people with insomnia, depression and anxiety. In the form of essential oil, it relaxes the muscles, strengthens the heart and has an antibiotic effect. Boil 10 teaspoons of dried lemongrass leaves in one liter of water, let infuse 10 minutes, then strain the tea.

5 Remedies to fight stress
5 Remedies to fight stress

5 Remedies to fight stress
5 Remedies to fight stress


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